Day 272– January 5, 2015

Today is New Year’s Day, the beginning of 2015. I start anew – skinnier, mentall and biologically empty, but hopeful.

Ruben suggests an accounting maneuver to book all my recent troubles into 2014. Those mishaps – failed lights, dysentery, break-up strife – were last year, so I slide the calendar to make today the start of a pleasant new year.

I begin with gentle grace and positive intentions. From a suggestion by the Vajrapani Institute, I will meditate for 30 minutes at least five times a week for the month of January. I tackle the business of laundry, groceries, and bills before dwelling on depression. For my broken heart, I give patience, sadness, and forgiveness. Sadness will not go away soon – that’s okay.

I rise before dawn and watch the neighboring apartment buildings redden. Perhaps I’ll climb up a promontory. The world rushes off to its first workday of 2015 and a return to routine. I’m lucky to reinvent my own routines.