January 2, 2017 – Intentions for the Year

I have just two general resolutions for the year:

  1. Enjoy San Francisco as if it were my last full year here. As always, the future is uncertain, but there is a good chance I will move away from San Francisco sometime in 2018 on to the next chapter in my life. Whether or not I do make that move, I still would like 2017 to be my year of San Francisco. Learn as much as you can at the job and push your limits. Attend May’s PyCon to immerse yourself in software coding and vet Portland as a possible next destination. Enjoy the annual San Francisco festivals one last time. Build and show large art projects. Contribute to the San Francisco communities. Sponsor spring Sunday afternoon picnics around the city. Become a regular at more weekly events. Take a risk and give a lecture at Odd Salon. Plant your garden. Organize trips to Lake Tahoe for skiing, Death Valley for camping, and possibly even far-flung Crater Lake. Fly with San Francisco friends to festivals and events.
  1. Breathe. 2016 was full, rich, and exhausting. I barely sat down, and I certainly did not breathe. I can’t keep holding my breathe for a year, so in 2017, I would like to breathe more in the literal and figurative sense. Keep up yoga. Continue to stretch and meditate 15 minutes every day. Allot more time to activities. Do more with less. Notice and be present. Stay away more from devices like phones and the internet. Focus and relax. Breathe.