Do Something Else

I dread looking at the Islamic pattern I selected for my next LED piece. I don’t want to cut plastic no more. After building last year 4 Squares, 3 Hexes, 3 Turtle Shells, 4 small Pentagons, 1 large Pentagon, 1 small Mandala, and 1 large Mandala, I’m burnt out on measuring, cutting, stapling, and assembling. That’s okay.

Take a break. Do something else. It’s still time of pandemic when time feels boundless. I’ll make instead a fun-fur coat in case Burning Man ever resumes. Strangely, I lack a warm festival coat. Although I sewed once a lot of eyeball coats, the eyeballs not only don’t last long, but also these pingpong balls don’t fare well with backpacks.

I can reprogram the Roses, which are the last of my large-scale LED installations still programmed in Python, controlled through the antiquated Pixel Pusher hardware. I’ve ported all other project code to smaller microcontrollers. No more laptops. No more cable wiring. Possibly no more plugs as an installation can run for 8 hours off a battery.

I should tear apart two of the Sunflowers sitting in the basement. I need both their LEDs and their space for new work, although I state now that the next Islamic mandala may be the last piece I want to make.

Ray and I share notes on indie computer games. Do I want next to play a border control guard or a diver explore a sunken city? I’ve got time…